Phoenix Comicon: A Journey Into Nerd Culture


In attending Phoenix Comicon I was surprised on how many attendee’s there were at the Downtown Phoenix Convention Center. The Numbers were so high on Saturday, that at one point the fire Marshall deemed the convention center was at full capacity. Though regardless of the capacity, every day at day at the convention registration was fast and easy, and I have to say, attendees who were buying their pass at the door, go their pass faster than those who bought their passes online.  Soon after leaving the registration area, I proceeded to the exhibit hall, and it was HUGE! Filled with hundreds of vendors selling all sorts of Items with some sweet deals, ‘though everybody knows that Sunday is always the best time to buy buy buy’, I could not resist!  Also, there were lots of panels, I got to attend a few myself, but the most popular ones were the Babylon 5 reunion, Star Trek Continues and Michael Rooker‘s panel.  Furthermore, the convention was a great successes, this year’s convention had more panels, exhibitors, actors, artists, and attendees then any Phoenix Comic Con to date. Here’s what I saw at this year’s convention ENJOY!!

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TeknoSquid’s Top 10 of 2012

Teknosquid top 10 picture2012 was filled with many amazing games, movies, shows, and surprising announcements, though there were many, Teknosquid has compiled a list of what we believe to be the best of 2012. Here is our list starting with:

#10 Windows 8

Microsoft dominating the market with their windows software has decided to change the game with introducing their newest operating system “Windows 8”.  Windows 8 differs on a wide range of aspects in comparison to Windows 7 operating system, due to the fact that Windows 8 installs a new kind of software which enables users to configure a series of tiles on its front desktop.  Far different than previous windows advancements such as upgrading from Windows Vista to 7, which is very similar in appearance and user navigation between the two, but as for Windows 8 this is a completely new approach and appearance in comparison to previous operating systems from Microsoft.  All Microsoft is doing is integrating touch technology into their operating system, because honestly let’s face it guys, everything is going to be touch screen in the future and Microsoft is just preparing for the jump by pushing that sort of technology with their new software.  With the release of Windows 8 there has been a huge increase in products with touch screen technology; Microsoft even came out with their own tablets the Surface RT, and Surface Pro.  Many users of previous Windows OS are not too happy with this major change, but have no fear the desktop tile is here, this tile enables users to have a desktop view very similar to previous OS software, in which users can put icon shortcuts like web url’s or even word documents.   The only main difference is that the start icon is not at the bottom left of the PC no more, but on the right side panel, and is easily accessible.  Like I said previously, this is a huge change for Microsoft and for most PC users, but change is progress so let’s progress and see what the future has in store.     Continue reading “TeknoSquid’s Top 10 of 2012”