Phoenix Comicon 2015 and Everything You’ll Need to Know.

Phoenix Comicon has been extremely successful and growing in popularity since its establishment 13 years ago, first debuting back in 2002 with a $3 per day admission and total of 432 attendees. Now, Phoenix Comicon memberships range anywhere between $20 to $50 per day online and even cost more on site. Last year’s event had well over 50,000 attendees. With this many attendees, the capacity of the Phoenix convention center was put to its limits, so much that it was a fire hazard. Thus, why this year’s event will have a cap on memberships, though no memberships at the moment are currently sold out, with last year’s convention, don’t count on buying your memberships at the event, because when you get to the con, they just might  be sold out already. Though some may ponder whether last year’s show had bigger actors, artists and exhibitors, and some may disagree, you can count on this year’s programming to bring in some awesome entertainment. The entertainment rich and unique can be easily ruined if one is not prepared. Comicon is a fun pop culture adventure, not having the necessary and right tools in your inventory can ruined this unique and rich experience Phoenix has to offer.  Phoenix itself unique to other cities in the country, “good ways” as a native Phoenician would probably say, or as an outsider would probably call this place a “desert wasteland”, Phoenix not perfect in anyway, can easily be enjoyable, but it is all about knowing your surroundings.

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Phoenix Comicon: A Journey Into Nerd Culture


In attending Phoenix Comicon I was surprised on how many attendee’s there were at the Downtown Phoenix Convention Center. The Numbers were so high on Saturday, that at one point the fire Marshall deemed the convention center was at full capacity. Though regardless of the capacity, every day at day at the convention registration was fast and easy, and I have to say, attendees who were buying their pass at the door, go their pass faster than those who bought their passes online.  Soon after leaving the registration area, I proceeded to the exhibit hall, and it was HUGE! Filled with hundreds of vendors selling all sorts of Items with some sweet deals, ‘though everybody knows that Sunday is always the best time to buy buy buy’, I could not resist!  Also, there were lots of panels, I got to attend a few myself, but the most popular ones were the Babylon 5 reunion, Star Trek Continues and Michael Rooker‘s panel.  Furthermore, the convention was a great successes, this year’s convention had more panels, exhibitors, actors, artists, and attendees then any Phoenix Comic Con to date. Here’s what I saw at this year’s convention ENJOY!!

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Annual 110th Toy Fair 2013


Hey for all you toy collectors, tomorrow is the 110th annual Toy Fair convention.  This year the convention will be held in New York City, with over a thousand vendors, selling all sorts of things such as toys, puzzles, and educational products.  Even Hobby and department stores are listed as vendors on the main website page.  Though, there are many exhibitors displaying new products that will be released later this year.  Here are a few products that Teknosquid and its writers are looking forwards too.

mezco-logo-lowMezco will be releasing some cool new products that are up for pre-order right now.  Breaking Bad is on our top toy list, who doesn’t want a Walter White bobble head dressed in a hazmat suit on their car dashboard!  Also, Mezco is releasing two sets of Breaking Bad plush figures, the first set having Walter and Jesse disguised in their typical clothing, and the other set of Walter and Jesse dressed in their hazmat suits with a clip-on attachment, so that you may hang it up somewhere to show off.  But, the best figure of the pack has to be the 6-inch action figure of Walter White in his alter ego state Heisenberg (bottom right)! He comes inclusive with a removable hat, removable glasses, a sack of cash, and even a bag of blue crystals! bb6inbreakingbad WTF Mezco, are you really adding meth as an accessory on to the toy?  Just because of the add on, I can guarantee that this toy will be a great seller, and a must have for Breaking Bad fans.  Other products include the Cheetara from thunder cats, a Wonder Woman plush, and a 9-inch creature of the black lagoon for all you horror collectors. Continue reading “Annual 110th Toy Fair 2013”